Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Dance 2008

Last evening we attended the Halloween Dance at the Wheel. As you can see there is a lot of creativity in Sandycove and a good time was had by all.
Captain Ted

Donna and Bill

Bruce, Pope Wayne and Carolyn
Wayne won first prize for men's costumes.

Is he having a vision or ignoring the witch?

Scarey Sight!

Jean Laplante

Barb McDonald and friends

Barb & Gary

Jim and Carmen Plumb

The Phantom and Friend

Beverly and Richard Hood
Beverly won first prize for women's costumes.

The Devil and The Scarecrow

The Sheik and Friend

Talk about being down in the mouth.

Little Devil and Friend


Fay & John

Sunday, October 19, 2008


After our visit with John, on our way home Sunday, we stopped off at Sherry and Ian's home. These are a couple of pictures which I took of Ashley.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

John's Apartment

Last week-end we visited John in Oakville. He brought us over to his condo apartment which is under renovation. The interior pictures of the work in progress will let you appreciate the final product.

John and Wayne approach the entrance.

The seating area in the lobby.

The kitchen, a work in progress.

The entrance being inlaid with ceramic tile.

The view from the balcony outside the living room.

The living room.

The eighth floor hallway.

The atrium outside the garage.

The garden in front of the building.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thanksgiving Visit With The Millers

Stunning Autumn Tree
Barbara on our walk by the Lachine Canal
Reaching for the sky
Ready, set . . .
Aren't birthdays fun?
I could get used to this.
A karaoke star in the making.
Kailey, Julie and Patrick in the gaming zone
The Birthday Girl is a little overwhelmed by the Birthday Song
Kailey takes a closer look at her cake

Thanksgiving Visit With Betty & Colleen

Marigolds in Betty & Colleen's Garden
Wayne catches a few rays while reading his Hospice Training Manual
Colin & Carolyn
Betty & Colleen, Perfect Hostesses

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sandycove Men's Glee Club Annual Dinner

Lesley, Norm and Claire

Dave & Liz

Ted & Gloria

Charlie goes solo

Willie, Bill, Brian and Bob


Rappers: Norm, Ted and Wayne

The Glee Club entertains the ladies